Short Ski Break Prices

2024/25 prices for Short Ski Breaks and Ski Weekends French Alp

** Take 15% off SHORT STAYS ending before 16 February! **

Our popular Megève ski weekends in the French Alps, and short ski breaks are for 3 or 4 days beginning and ending on a Wednesday, Thursday or Sunday. 

Prices in our catered ski chalets are per person sharing a twin or double room and are for 3 or 4 nights respectively. Prices include accommodation, breakfast, cake for afternoon tea and three-course dinner including wine cooked by professional chefs (excludes Friday which is the staff day off).  

Prices for our self-catered apartments are for the whole apartment for 3 or 4 nights respectively, perfect for a short ski break or ski weekend in the French Alps.

All prices exclude flights and airport transfers.

Look at our prices below and don’t hesitate to get in touch to book your short ski break in the French Alps today!


Week Commencing December 2024 January 2025 February 2025 March 2025
    22nd 29th 5th  12th  19th 26th  2nd  9th  16th 23rd 2nd  9th  16th  23rd  30th
Catered Chalet Prices £ per person
Les Clochettes Sun-Wed £476 £752 £627 £702 £752 £752 £752 £752 £702 £702 £702 £702 £627 £476 £476
Sun-Thu £646 £1020 £850 £952 £1020 £1020 £1020 £1020 £952 £952 £952 £952 £850 £646 £646
Wed-Sun £679









£1000 £1000 £1000 £893



Thu-Sun £509 £804 £670 £750 £804 £804 £804 £804 £750 £750 £750 £750 £670 £509 £509
Hotel Sylvana Sun-Wed £376





 £496 £496





£476  £426 £376


Sun-Thu £510 £673 £578 £646 £673 £673 £673 £673 £646 £646 £646 £646 £578 £510 £510
Wed-Sun £536 £707 £607 £679 £707 £707 £707 £707 £679 £679 £679 £679 £607 £536 £536
Thu-Sun £402 £530 £455 £509 £530 £530 £530 £530 £509 £509 £509 £509 £455 £402 £402
  Limited Availability.    Fully Booked


Week Commencing Dec 2024 January 2025 February 2025 March 2025
    22nd 29th 5th 12th 19th 26th 2nd 9th 16th 23rd 2nd 9th 16th 23rd 30th

Self Catered Apartments 2024-25


 Roseau (9)
Sun-Wed £1,635 £2,400 £1,635 £2,175 £2,175 £2,175 £2,175 £2,400 £2,400 £2,400 £2,400 £2,175 £1,635 £1,635 £1,635
Sun-Thu £2,210 £3,220 £2,210 £2,900 £2,900 £2,900 £2,900 £3,220 £3,220 £3,220 £3,220 £2,900 £2,210 £2,210 £2,210
Wed-Sun £2,390 £3,415 £2,390 £3,020 £3,020 £3,020 £3,020 £3,415 £3,415 £3,415 £3,415 £3,020 £2,390 £2,390 £2,390
Thu-Sun £1,815 £2,595 £1,815 £2,295 £2,295 £2,295 £2,295 £2,595 £2,595 £2,595 £2,595 £2,295 £1,815 £1,815 £1,815
Le Chamois

Sun-Wed £660  £1,200 £660 £930 £930 £930 £930 £1,200 £1,200 £1,200 £1,200 £930 £660 £660 £660
Sun-Thu £890 £1,615 £890 £1,225 £1,225 £1,225 £1,225 £1,615 £1,615 £1,615 £1,615 £1,225 £890 £890 £890
Wed-Sun £965 £1,765 £965 £1,285 £1,285 £1,285 £1,285 £1,765 £1,765 £1,765 £1,765 £1,285 £965 £965 £965
Thu-Sun £735 £1,350 £735 £990 £990 £990 £990 £1,350 £1,350 £1,350 £1,350 £990 £735 £735 £735
Sun-Wed £1,050 £1,800 £1,050 £1,500 £1,500 £1,500 £1,500 £1,800 £1,800 £1,800 £1,800 £1,500 £1,050 £1,050 £1,050
Sun-Thu £1,450 £2,400 £1,450 £2,000 £2,000 £2,000 £2,000 £2,400 £2,400 £2,400 £2,400 £2,000 £1,450 £1,450 £1,450
Wed-Sun £1,690 £2,550 £1,690 £2,150 £2,150 £2,150 £2,150 £2,550 £2,550 £2,550 £2,550 £2,150 £1,690 £1,690 £1,690
Thu-Sun £1,290 £1,950 £1,290 £1,650 £1,650 £1,650 £1,650 £1,950 £1,950 £1,950 £1,950 £1,650 £1,290 £1,290 £1,290












NB.  Taxe de sejour of 4€/adult/night is payable in self-catered apartments only and will be collected in resort.

Enquire now..

Complete the form below or call us on +44(0)1603 477471 ​​​​​and speak to our friendly team.


Lift passes & Equipment

We have everything you need for the ultimate skiing holiday, for beginners and seasoned skiers.

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